If your student needs test prep in La Habra or anywhere in Orange County, Study Mentors is here to help. We offer comprehensive one-on-one test prep for students that are taking the ACT, SAT, and many other common tests. All of our tutoring, whether it is test-based or otherwise, is specifically tailored to our students in order to strengthen the areas they already understand and shore up any gaps in their understanding.
For example, if your student needs ACT test help , we can look at their performance across each of the five areas of the test: English, reading, science, math, and essay. Our tutors, or mentors as we like to call them, can help your student catch up on concepts they may not remember or do not understand. One common problem students have when they take the test as juniors or seniors is that they forget some of the early concepts they learned in Algebra 1 or Geometry. On the other hand, students that are preparing for the ACT or SAT as freshmen or sophomores may not have learned some of the advanced concepts that they would see in classes such as Algebra 2 or Calculus. In either case, our tutors are happy to help students learn these concepts as they prepare for their upcoming tests. In addition to test prep for SAT or other tests, we offer subject tutoring for most or all classes offered at the high school level. Whether students require help with freshman English or AP Calculus, we can help. Study Mentors also offers tutoring for younger students attending elementary school or junior high as well as college students. For more information on all of the services offered by Study Mentors, simply call the number at the top of your screen or visit the contact page.
June 2022